Look for our astronomically delicious Kakigori (Shave ice) at select markets/events.

*we do special events - send us a message if you'd like our Shave Ice at your next event

Astronomically Delicious

We’re thrilled to offer astronomically delicious SHAVE ICE – made with real Hawaiian syrups.

Available at select markets and events we’ll be at this summer!

Want shave ice at your next event?

Our Shave ice services are for hire.

great for fundraisers!

Send us a message!

Galactic Presence, Local Roots

Why Partner with Astro Foods for Fundraising?

Image of freeze-dried food production
Diverse Delights
Our fundraising program isn’t just about snacks; it’s a culinary adventure! Choose from a range of options, including healthy choices and indulgent treats. And keep an eye out as we plan to expand our selection with awesome items made by other local businesses.
Customized Snack Shop
Get your own online fundraising platform, tailored to your organization with its logo and fundraising goals. Personalize your "Snack Shop" further by choosing which products you'd like to offer your supporters. This personalized "Snack Shop" simplifies the process, making it easy for your supporters to contribute to your cause.
Hassle-Free Handling
We manage the orders and funds, and ensure that 25% of the sales are sent to your organization within five business days following the campaign’s order delivery date.
Enhanced Earnings
Boost your fundraising with 25% of the sales going directly to your organization.
Support on Delivery Day
Our team is committed to your success. A staff member will assist your volunteers in sorting and packing orders for up to one hour on delivery day, ensuring a smooth and efficient process.
Satisfying snacks - mint chocolate chip

Ongoing Opportunities with

Monthly Campaigns

Want to keep the momentum going? Extend your fundraising efforts with our monthly campaign option. After the initial campaign, your Snack Shop page stays active, continuing to collect orders. Every month, we tally the orders received through your campaign site, deliver them to your organization for distribution, and transfer 25% of the sales to you within five business days of each month’s delivery date.

Galactic Giving

let's make a difference together

Ready to launch your fundraising journey to satisfying snacks with Astro Foods? Let’s propel your cause to new heights with our delectable and diverse fundraising options. If you have any ideas, questions, or need guidance, we’re here to help your campaign succeed.

Start Your Fundraising Journey

Application form